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Do Over​
A coming of age story for 30 year olds!

Coming home to the best friends of his youth, Sean King picks up right where he left off, and is thrown into his past, head first. Angela, the outspoken bestie, suggests to her male friends that their first time may not be the legendary sexual conquest they remember, or more to the point, that the receiving end of their sexual prowess, may have been left wanting. So, as any guy would do, they all decide to go back for a do over and make up for any unintended unsatisfactory accomplishments. Only going back in time is never a good idea, especially when the past catches up with you. Not only is the past not what we think it is, but how WE remember things is certainly not be who we are.



Do Over​



When Liv, a Jewish lesbian just out of college, hits rock bottom with her alcoholism, she is sent to an upscale rehab, where she proceeds to fight everyone who tries to help her.

For more inormation or to get in touch with Gina >>


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